Business-to-university knowledge transfer

Gerresheimer Manager Burkhard Stolz is offered a professorship at the Amberg-Weiden University

Düsseldorf/Wackersdorf, April 12, 2013. Burkhard Stolz (50) will be lecturing medical technology students on “The Technical Development of Diagnostic Systems and Microsystems“ as of the summer 2013 semester. The university’s President Professor Erich Bauer, handed over the certificate of appointment to his new colleague on March 15, 2013.

“Health is a mega trend and in times of budget cuts we need innovative solutions which are widely available. A highly specialized course for students provides them a with launching pad for top management careers in German industry,” said newly appointed Professor Stolz.

“Our cooperation with the university proves that combining an academic course with practical experience not only offers many advantages to the students, but also to the Gerresheimer organization,“ said Manfred Baumann, COO/CTO at Gerresheimer Regensburg GmbH, mentioning that the company supported the university in setting up a clean room laboratory last May.

Burkhard Stolz joined Gerresheimer Plastic Systems as Head of Development for Medical Plastic Systems 15 years ago. As Vice President Sales Diagnostics and Medical Technology he was responible for major customers in this dedicated area. for almost a decade. He and his team worked close with key accounts in Europe, Asia and North America.

“Speaking our customers‘ language and genuinely understanding their needs is the key to developing successful products and cultivating lasting partnerships,” he said, reflecting on his many years in the business. His new “customers“ will be the students at the Amberg-Weiden University, which will have technical university status as of October.

The professor is part of the Technology and Science Network, which also involves Regensburg University and receives funding from the Free State of Bavaria.

Professor Burkhard Stolz studied mechanical engineering in Duisburg and Aachen. with a specialization in plastics processing at the Institute of Plastics Engineering (IKV). Even then he was involved in the field of medical technology, working on projects such as absorbable plastic for use as implant material. In 1991 he moved to Bavaria, where he worked at Boehringer Mannheim GmbH’s Tutzing Research Center as development engineer and system project manager. He was involved in projects to develop equipment and processes for laboratory diagnostics and molecular diagnostics.

Further information

  • <link http: english _blank external-link-new-window external link in new>Amberg-Weiden University
  • <link http: en products-services pharma-healthcare medical-plastic-systems.html _top external-link-new-window external link in new>Gerresheimer Plastic Systems

About Gerresheimer

Gerresheimer is an internationally leading manufacturer of high-quality specialty products made of glass and plastic for the global pharma and healthcare industry. Our comprehensive portfolio of products extends from pharmaceutical vials to complex drug delivery systems such as syringe systems, insulin pens and inhalers for safe medication dosage and application. Together with our partners, we develop solutions which set standards and have role model status in their respective market sectors.

Our Group realizes revenues of more than one billion euros and has around 11,000 employees at 47 locations in Europe, North and South America and Asia.  We use first-rate technologies, convincing innovations and targeted investments to systematically consolidate our strong market position.

Press contact:

Marion Stolzenwald
Gerresheimer AG
Benrather Straße 18-20
Phone: +49 211-6181246
Fax: +49 211-6181241
E-Mail: please click

Karin Strasser
Gerresheimer Regensburg GmbH
Oskar-von-Miller-Straße 6
92442 Wackersdorf
Phone: +49 9431 639 6140
Fax: +49 9431 79838 6140
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