Gerresheimer Regensburg introduces a new B.E. Medical Technology sandwich degree program

Regensburg/Wackersdorf, July 18, 2014. Gerresheimer Regensburg launched a new sandwich degree course in July 2014. The Bachelor of Engineering in Medical Technology course combines an apprenticeship as Industrial Engineering Electronics Technician at the company’s own Training Center in Wackersdorf and a Medical Technology degree course at the OTH Amberg-Weiden University. The apprenticeship began in July 2014 and the degree course starts in the winter semester of 2015/16. The entire program is four years and six months in length and concludes with a Chamber of Industry and Commerce diploma and a Bachelor degree. The entrance requirements are a general university entrance qualification and a basic understanding of technology.

The Industrial Engineering Electronics Technician apprenticeship predominantly covers energy technology functions - from the smallest switch to large-scale injection molding machines. Trainees are given practical insights into the design and programming of the control units that are built into injection molding, handling and assembly machines at the company’s own Training Centre. It prepares them for the main duties in their future professions, which include the maintenance, repair and replacement of electrical systems in fields extending from energy supply and lighting technology to the set-up of communications and IT infrastructures.

In the summer semester of 2010 OTH Amberg-Weiden introduced a Medical Technology degree course that optimally prepares students for the special requirements of the medical technology sector. The first two semesters focus on science and engineering, including the subjects of mathematics, radiation physics, technical mechanics, design/CAD, as well as anatomy, physiology and IT. From the third semester onwards, electrical and medical engineering subjects such as diagnostic systems, therapeutic systems and medical technology production processes are added to the curriculum.
“Gerresheimer initiated this degree program,“ commented Manfred Baumann, COO/CTO Gerresheimer Regensburg GmbH. “We defined its content and are supporting the program by providing an endowed professorship. After all, we need competent engineers that are specifically trained for our requirements and speak our customers’ language - which includes medical terminology. Our future engineers will need a precise understanding of the development and manufacturing of medical devices, Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) and FDA procedures.”

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