Annual General Meeting of Gerresheimer AG approves dividend increase to EUR 1.15 per share

Duesseldorf, June 6, 2019 – Payment of a dividend of EUR 1.15 per share was approved at the Annual General Meeting of Gerresheimer AG held today in Duesseldorf.

“At Gerresheimer, our foundations are strong. After making a good start to 2019, we need to keep up the pace in the coming quarters in order to achieve our goals for the year. We are systematically implementing the projects we planned, thus paving the way for future growth and increased productivity. We stepped up as Gerresheimer’s new Management Board with the objective of putting the company on a path to sustained, profitable growth,” said Dietmar Siemssen, CEO of Gerresheimer AG, at the Annual General Meeting.

The dividend has been raised by 4.5% to EUR 1.15 per dividend-entitled share. A dividend of EUR 1.10 per share was distributed in the prior year. The dividend will be paid out on June 12, 2019.

A large majority voted in favor of the resolution formally approving the acts of the Management Board and Supervisory Board in the financial year 2018. Deloitte GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft, Duesseldorf, was elected as auditor for the financial year 2019. In addition, the revision of Supervisory Board remuneration, the creation of new authorized capital with the possibility to exclude shareholders’ subscription rights and a new authorization to issue convertible bonds or warrant bonds (or combinations of such instruments) with the possibility of excluding shareholders’ subscription rights, as well as the creation of new conditional capital were approved, each with corresponding amendments to the Articles of Association.

At today’s Annual General Meeting, 81.00% of the capital stock was represented. The detailed voting results on all items of the Annual General Meeting agenda are available here: Annual General Meeting - Gerresheimer AG

The CEO speech delivered at the Annual General Meeting is available here: Annual General Meeting - Gerresheimer AG

The Annual Report is available here: Reports - Gerresheimer AG

About Gerresheimer

Gerresheimer is a leading global partner to the pharma and healthcare industries. The company’s special glass and plastic products contribute to health and well-being. Gerresheimer is a global organization with about 10,000 employees and manufacturing operations in the local markets, close to customers. With plants in Europe, North and South America and Asia Gerresheimer generates revenues of approximately EUR 1.4 billion. The comprehensive product portfolio includes pharmaceutical packaging products as well as convenient and safe drug delivery systems such as insulin pens, inhalers, micro pumps, prefillable syringes, vials, ampoules, bottles and containers for liquid and solid pharmaceuticals with closure and safety systems, plus cosmetic packaging products.

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