Gerresheimer Bünde puts a combined heat and power plant into operation

Resulting in energy savings and lower emissions

Düsseldorf/Bünde, November 21, 2014 - Gerresheimer Bünde GmbH recently put its first combined heat and power plant (CHP) into operation in collaboration with the Westfalen Weser GmbH energy services company. The CHP was manufactured by Sokratherm and it is used for the decentralized production of electrical power and heat according to the heat and power co-generation principle. The 570 HP truck engine at the heart of the plant is gas operated and generates around 400 kWh of electricity. The operation of the engine also generates 520 kWh of heat, which is recovered by a system of heat exchangers and used for heating and hot water supply.

The advantage of this technology is that power and heat can be efficiently generated at the site itself without transportation losses. The overall efficiency is around 90%, i.e. the majority of the energy used can be recovered. “The CHP is helping us to reduce our primary energy consumption and our CO2 emissions,“ explained Olaf Posteher, the energy manager responsible for the CHP at Gerresheimer Bünde. “We can save up to 1,480 t CO2 every year. That’s almost 50% of the old system’s greenhouse gas emissions,” said Posteher, who is delighted with the new system.

The ISO 50001 energy management system that was also recently introduced at the facility demonstrates Gerresheimer Bünde’s continued commitment to introducing even more efficient and green technologies over coming years. Feasibility studies are currently being implemented at the Bünde plant for two further CHPs that will be able to generate process steam and cooling in addition to power and heat.

Gerresheimer Bünde GmbH

Gerresheimer Bünde GmbH is part of the Plastics & Devices Division. Located in Bünde-Südlengern, it has the most modern production facility for pre-fillable syringe systems and cartridges in the world. The company was founded in 1947 by the Hennings and Zimmermann families as Bünder Glas GmbH. Today, Gerresheimer Bünde GmbH is able to look back on over 65 years of experience. Our Bünde production facility has around 800 employees and is the Gerresheimer Group’s competence center for syringes that are used for the long-term storage of pharmaceutical products such as vaccines.

About Gerresheimer

Gerresheimer is a leading global partner to the pharma and healthcare industries. The company’s special glass and plastic products contribute to health and well-being. Gerresheimer is a global organization with 11,000 employees and manufacturing operations in the local markets, close to customers. It has over 40 production facilities in Europe, North and South America and Asia generating revenue in excess of EUR 1.2 billion. The comprehensive product portfolio includes pharmaceutical packaging products as well as convenient and safe drug delivery systems such as insulin pens, inhalers, pre-fillable syringes, vials, ampoules, bottles and containers for liquid and solid pharmaceuticals with closure and safety systems, plus cosmetic packaging products.

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