Customized Drug Delivery Systems, Diagnostic and Medical Devices

boston MEDevice 2024

Join us at our booth at the boston MEDevice! Connect with our experts, experience our latest innovations firsthand, and let us inspire you:

September 25 – 26, 2024

Boston Convention & Exhibition Center
Booth # 715

Promo code

Use promo code 715 to receive a free logo pass!

Connect with our experts!

We would be delighted to personally demonstrate how our service offering can address your specific challenges. Would you like to schedule a meeting?


Take the opportunity to book a meeting with our experts at our booth #715.

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Experience our latest innovations

We’ll be presenting new products, along with new production technologies and services like our new diagnostic demonstrator project, rapidly and safely industrialization or computer tomography in product development!

Streamline diagnostic test cartridge development with our innovative diagnostic demonstrator project. Reduce development time, costs and risks. Download our newsletter to learn more! 


Industrialization of various successfully completed development projects. Download our article at the OnDrugDelivery.



Computer tomography in product development: Speed meets precision. 

Download our newsletter to learn more

Contact us!

Do you have any questions? We are happy to help you!

Phone: +49 211 61 81 - 00

Contact Form

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