- Gerresheimer AG

Improve fill & finish line performance through tighter specification, fewer defect, and manufacturing excellence

Gx® Advance Vial

Benefits of the Gx® Advance Vial

Internationally standardized product

Full compliance to ISO standards to address pharma quality

Local-for-local supply

Secured supply chain by global availability with short lead times

Proven functionality

Seamless integration into all existing fill & finish equipment /proven compatibility

State-of-the-art material

Glass tubing and polymers like COP from all major suppliers available

Improved fill & finish efficiency

Superior product quality leads to less defects on fill & finish lines with improved performance and reduced TCO

Higher Product Quality Level

Tighter AQLs, reduced glass-to-glass and glass-to-metal contact leads to reduced cosmetic defects. Increased dimensional consistency for all products

Advanced system variety

Additional system features like surface treatment and elastomer components available

Product Offerings

by performance level


Gx® Value

Gx® Advance

Gx® Elite


Not applicable

Not applicable

CpKs ≥1.67  for CCI features

Cosmetic appearance

<500 Micron

<300 Micron

<100 Micron  with tightest AQLs

Strength gain

No change

No change

Up to 4x






No coating

No coating

Optional Velocity®



 - Gerresheimer AG

Take Advantage of our wide Range of Capabilities

  • Production sites in Europe, Americas and Asia for risk mitigation
  • Expansion coefficients 33 and 51
  • Inner siliconization for optimum emptying
  • Ammonium sulfate treatment to reduce alkali ion emission
  • Optimized design for lyophilization processes
  • Fully validated processes and certified suppliers according to cGMP
  • Ph. Eur., USP, JP, FEUM compliance
  • DMF type III
 - Gerresheimer AG

High-Technology Gx® G3 Vial Inspection

  • Proprietary visual inspection systems ensure cosmetic and dimensional quality.
  • Visual inspection of all areas of the vial: finish/neck, shoulder, body, hyper-bottom
  • Combination of 5 high resolution matrix and line-scan cameras
  • Proprietary lighting system
  • Custom software capable of defect recognition and classification
  • Bright and dark field images acquired at the same time help to characterize defects
  • Precision handling system for repeatability

Matching Accessories

Kontaktieren Sie uns!


Europa & Asien
Fläschchen (Kunststoff)

Telefon: + 49 160 741 59 39
E-Mail: Wolfgang Dirk

Fläschchen (Kunststoff)

Telefon: +1 404 376 8157
E-Mail: Franck Langet


Europa & Asien
Fläschchen (Glas)

Telefon: +49 9342 9281-25
E-Mail: Lothar Haaf

Fläschchen (Glas)

Telefon: +1 678 951 3959
E-Mail: Steve Hourmezian