- Gerresheimer AG

Best-in-class Gx® Elite Vials that make your life easier with our new improved RTF platform solution

Gx® Elite EZ-fill Smart™ Vials

Benefits of the Gx® Elite EZ-fill Smart™ Vials

De-risking of fill & finish

Risk-free processing and seamless integration into standard fill & finish lines from all major machine vendors. No glass-to-glass and no glass-to-metal contact

Low particles – improved quality

>90% particle reduction creating a new gold standard for the benefit of the patient

Supply chain security

Risk mitigation through like-for-like standard of two leading global manufacturer

Alternative sterilization

Safe and more environmentally friendly method for sterilization of complete system incorporating guidelines given by regulatory bodies

Sustainability: Reduced CO2 footprint

Use of biopolymers and re-usable materials, weight reduction, vials produced with green energy

Reduced TCO

Reduced cost and investment driven by smaller machine footprint due to centralized processing of washing/depyrogenization

New Tub Design

Package description

by performance level



Properties / Features

Transparent peelable Polymer Lid


  • Ensures sterility with a hermetic seal for ultimate product protection

  • Easy-to-remove peelable design streamlines operations

  • Reduces particulate contamination during opening.

Gx® Elite Glass Vials 2R to 20R

Type 1

  • Flawless appearance and unmatched mechanical strength enhance product reliability

  • Precision manufacturing ensures virtually no lot-to-lot and inner-lot variation

  • Optimized for maximum production efficiency and minimal reject rates



  • Prevents glass-to-glass contact for superior protection against breakage

  • Universal design guarantees compatibility with standard fill-finish lines

  • Simplifies production processes with easy integration.

Tyvek Stripes


  • Permeable barrier supports multiple sterilization methods

  • Hermetic sealing ensures closure integrity for sterility assurance

  • Positioned for compatibility and seamless integration with standard fill-finish equipment.


High impact

  • ISO 11040-7 compliant design 

  • 3-inch tub for all vial sizes and future cartridges 

  • Holds permeable Tyvek barrier for gas sterilization



  • Safeguard packages for handling and transportation

  • Allow for terminal sterilization by EtO (ethylene oxide)

  • or VHP (vaporized hydrogen peroxide)



  • Terminal sterility of product to assure SAL 

  • Proved sterility according ISO norms

Comparison Bulk vs. RTF Manufacturing

Bulk Line Processing

Complex Processing

  • Washing by WFI (70°C+)
  • Heat tunnel for sterilization (up to 350°C)
  • Additional failure modes
  • High efforts by quality

RTF Line Processing

Efficient Processing

  • Focus only on Fill & Finish process: no washing, 
    no heat tunnel
  • High-quality packaging directly entering filling line
  • Lower space requirements due to reduced footprint
  • Reduced number of operators to run the line

Improvements with VHP Sterilization

  • Sterilization method leaning towards current FDA expectations,  with less toxic impact by sterilization
  • No risk of harmful by-product of sterilization phase to be released in the environment
  • Different sterilization methods available for customer to decide how to “phase” the switch from current sterilization methods to other
  • No need to modify current validated test methods at customer site. In line with guidelines given by regulatory bodies
 - Gerresheimer AG

Take Advantage of our wide Range of Capabilities

  • Production sites in Europe, Americas and Asia for risk mitigation
  • Expansion coefficients 33 and 51
  • Inner siliconization for optimum emptying
  • Ammonium sulfate treatment to reduce alkali ion emission
  • Optimized design for lyophilization processes
  • Fully validated processes and certified suppliers according to cGMP
  • Ph. Eur., USP, JP, FEUM compliance
  • DMF type III
 - Gerresheimer AG

High-Technology Gx® G3 Vial Inspection

  • Proprietary visual inspection systems ensure cosmetic and dimensional quality.
  • Visual inspection of all areas of the vial: finish/neck, shoulder, body, hyper-bottom
  • Combination of 5 high resolution matrix and line-scan cameras
  • Proprietary lighting system
  • Custom software capable of defect recognition and classification
  • Bright and dark field images acquired at the same time help to characterize defects
  • Precision handling system for repeatability

Matching Accessories

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Europa & Asien
Fläschchen (Kunststoff)

Telefon: + 49 160 741 59 39
E-Mail: Wolfgang Dirk

Fläschchen (Kunststoff)

Telefon: +1 404 376 8157
E-Mail: Franck Langet


Europa & Asien
Fläschchen (Glas)

Telefon: +49 9342 9281-25
E-Mail: Lothar Haaf

Fläschchen (Glas)

Telefon: +1 678 951 3959
E-Mail: Steve Hourmezian