Responsible supply chain - Gerresheimer
Responsible Supply Chain Management

Responsible Supply Chain Management

Long-term relationships with our suppliers based on responsible ethical, social and environmental standards make our  supply chains resilient.

We expect from our suppliers sustainable business practices and have formulated our expectations and requirements in our "Gerresheimer Principles for Responsible Supply Chain Management". These oblige our suppliers to comply with our principles of corporate responsibility. They are based on international standards such as the principles of the UN Global Compact, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the ILO Core Labor Standards and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and cover

  • ethics,
  • employees,
  • health and safety
  • environmental protection

Our target

Our goal is that 100% of our strategic suppliers have acknowledged our "Gerresheimer Principles for Responsible Supply Chain Management" by 2024.

A further goal is that 100% of our strategic suppliers are assessed regarding environmental and social aspects by 2024.

Our approach

In addition to the "Gerresheimer Principles for Responsible Supply Chain Management", our relationship with suppliers is guided by the Gerresheimer Compliance Program and our Purchasing Guidelines. We make sure that our suppliers meet the high quality and sustainability requirements for our business.

In our production processes as well as on our products, we use small quantities of what are referred to as conflict minerals (e.g., tin, tungsten, tantalum and gold). We have outlined our Gerresheimer approach and principles for sourcing conflict minerals in our “Conflict Mineral Statement”, which is available in the Download section.

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