Our target
We want to reduce our lost time incident rate (number of lost time incidents resulting in more than one absence days per million hours worked) by 80% by 2028.
To create a suitable framework for this, we also intend to introduce a management system for occupational health and safety at all production sites by 2023 and have it certified in accordance with ISO 45001.
Our approach
In 2020, our global Occupational Safety Council was established with representatives from all business units. The Council's task is to further develop and uniformly implement occupational safety standards and processes within the company. Key safety figures are reported monthly in our global reporting system and made transparent throughout the company.
The gradual introduction of management systems in accordance with ISO 45001 at all locations will help us to continuously improve occupational safety and minimize incidents. By the end of the financial year 2023, 86% of our production sites will be ISO 45001 certified.
The five remaining sites have taken steps to prepare for certification. Two of the remaining sites are expected to be certified shortly after the end of the financial year. Another facility will receive its final certification in the first quarter of 2024 and the remaining two facilities are expected to require until 2025 for certification.
Our Safety Policy
Gerresheimer is committed to providing safe and healthy working conditions for the prevention of work-related injury and ill health, for all employees, contractors and visitors. The Gerresheimer Group's occupational safety policy addresses the protection against occupational injury and work-related illness. It supports our vision, mission, values, and principles such as GxCare: Taking care of people, for our employees, and our impact on society. They further set the frame for the implementation of our global health and safety targets.