Memberships and cooperations
Cooperations and partnerships play an important role for us in underlining our strong commitments, being part of the relevant forward-looking discussions and to drive sustainability topics within acknowledged and shared frameworks.

UN Global Compact (UNGC)
We have signed the United Nations Global Compact in 2021 and support the Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact on human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption.
Alliance for Water Stewardship (AWS)
Since 2020, we are a member of the Alliance for Water Stewardship (AWS). The AWS is a global membership collaboration comprising businesses, NGOs and the public sector. As a member we contribute to the sustainability of local water-resources by working with the universal framework for the sustainable use of water – the International Water Stewardship Standard, or AWS Standard – that drives, recognizes and rewards good water stewardship performance.
View the details about the Alliance for Water Stewardship
Industry association memberships
Our main industry association memberships comprise membership of the Federal Association of the German Glass Industry (BV Glas) (for glass locations in Germany) and the European Container Glass Federation (FEVE). Gerresheimer is also a member of relevant employer associations. In 2020, we also joined the Hydrogen Alliance Bavaria in order to contribute to the evolution of this key technology.