Corporate governance - Gerresheimer


The electronic whistleblowing system

One aspect of implementing the value of ‘integrity‘ within the Gerresheimer Group is the introduction of an electronic whistleblowing system for the effective and sustainable prevention of serious compliance violation. In May 2014 Gerresheimer launched a global internet-based communication platform so that employees, customers and suppliers can provide information about economic crimes and acts which are detrimental to our company at any time of the day or night. The persons providing the information can choose whether to remain anonymous or state their name.

The whistleblowing system is available in twelve languages to ensure that people in all of the regions where Gerresheimer operates can use it. It can be accessed from any internet-capable PC.

The system offers a protected mailbox. You can use this mailbox to enter into a confidential dialog with us. You can also remain anonymous when using the protected mailbox. Every notification is thoroughly checked to ascertain whether it is substantiated or not.

If reasonable suspicion exists that it is substantiated, further action will be taken.You can naturally also still voice your concerns and suspicions directly to a person whom you trust in your immediate work environment.

Here you can access the electronic whistleblowing system.

Or copy the link into your browser:


Whistleblower System
Whistleblower System (4.2 MB)
Whistleblower System (4.1 MB)
Whistleblower System (4.2 MB)
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