Downloads Sustainability - Gerresheimer

Our standards

Our corporate responsibility statement: Our actions are a reflection of the responsibility that we feel towards society, our employees, investors, customers, suppliers and the environment. Compliance with the statutory requirements is a matter of course for us. Over and beyond this, we aim to set standards and bring about continuous improvements in our organization through dialogue with our stakeholders. The principles of corporate responsibility detailed in this document are intended to make a contribution to this.

Code of Conduct

We respect human rights, carry social responsibility and stand for ethical business practices.

As Gerresheimer, we are committed to conduct with integrity and act in a value-based, responsible and prudent manner. With the Code of Conduct, we create an ethical order of action derived by our corporate TRIBE values.

The Code of Conduct provides guidance for actions and decisions in everyday work. It applies to our corporate bodies, managers and employees worldwide.

The management of all Gerresheimer companies is obliged to implement the Code of Conduct in their area of responsibility. In particular, this includes the duty to continuously align business processes with the Code of Conduct.

Living the TRIBE values

With the Gerresheimer TRIBE values, we have given ourselves a guiding framework for our actions. Our TRIBE values form the basis for our Code of Conduct:


We believe that connecting people and working in global teams is crucial to achieve our ambitious goals.


We act as entrepreneurs and deliver on our commitments.


We believe in honesty, openness, trust, respect and reliability in all we do.


We believe that innovations drive our future success.


We believe we must strive for excellence in everything we do.

Our Gerresheimer Supplier Code of Conduct describes Gerresheimer's minimum requirements for suppliers in the areas of ethics, working conditions and human rights, health and safety, environment and related management systems. The ethical principles spelled out in this document are based on the ten principles of the United Nations Global Compact initiative, the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the International Labour Organization, Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work.

Receipt of information and protection of whistleblowers
An important component of our Compliance Management System (CMS) is our procedure for receiving and processing reports and protecting whistleblowers. We have set out the details of how to submit information to us (reporting channels), how we process it and how we protect whistleblowers in a set of rules of procedure.

Here you can find further information:

OurGroup Environmental Standards address environmental protection. They support our vision, mission and values and principles such as the Gerresheimer Principles of Corporate Social Responsibility. They further set the frame for implementation of our global environmental sustainability targets. The Group Environmental Protection Standard is an integral element of our commitment to sustainable development.

Conflict Mineral Statement: This document outlines our Gerresheimer approach and principles for sourcing conflict minerals.

Our Global Diversity & lnclusion Policy is made to fully support Gerresheimer's Vision and Mission and our values as lntegrity, Teamwork and Responsibility. lt emphasizes our commitment to an open, honest, and respectful working environment  and and inclusive environment.

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