Excellent: Thomas Bayer from Gerresheimer is Germany's best apprentice in his profession

Excellent: Thomas Bayer from Gerresheimer completes his examination as a process mechanic in plastics and rubber technology as the best apprentice in Germany.
Excellent: Thomas Bayer from Gerresheimer completes his examination as a process mechanic in plastics and rubber technology as the best apprentice in Germany.
Excellent: Thomas Bayer from Gerresheimer completes his examination as a process mechanic in plastics and rubber technology as the best apprentice in Germany.
Excellent: Thomas Bayer from Gerresheimer completes his examination as a process mechanic in plastics and rubber technology as the best apprentice in Germany.
Excellent: Thomas Bayer from Gerresheimer completes his examination as a process mechanic in plastics and rubber technology as the best apprentice in Germany.
Excellent: Thomas Bayer from Gerresheimer completes his examination as a process mechanic in plastics and rubber technology as the best apprentice in Germany.

Regensburg, 30.11.2020. The apprentices and dual students at Gerresheimer's German locations have already won many prizes in recent years. But never before have any of them made it to the top of the winners' podium: Thomas Bayer from Gerresheimer Regensburg is Germany's best process mechanic for plastics and rubber technology! This makes him one of the first graduates to be honored by the DIHK, the Association of German Chambers of Industry and Commerce, the umbrella organization of the regional chambers of industry and commerce (IHK) and the foreign chambers of commerce (AHK) as the national winner. He is currently writing his bachelor's thesis. Afterwards he will work as a process engineer in the field of molds process engineering. Only recently he signed his permanent employment contract with Gerresheimer.

Thomas Bayer is a native of the Upper Palatinate (Oberpfalz) region of Germany and has long had the wish to start a dual course of study at Gerresheimer in the field of plastics technology. His combined studies were structured in such a way that he spent the first year completely in the company. From the second year he attended the OTH (East Bavarian Technical University) in Weiden. This was followed by an internship semester. Thomas Bayer spent his lecture-free periods in the company. After passing his final examination with flying colors, Thomas Bayer is currently writing his bachelor's thesis. He himself tells about his top performance: "I had prepared myself for the final examination in the best possible way, but I was surprised by the result myself and am very pleased about it. "What he likes about the dual study program is the direct combination of theory and practice. "At Gerresheimer we manufacture medical technology products such as inhalers or insulin pens. I am proud that with my work I can make a contribution to improving the quality of life of chronically ill people". He has already signed his employment contract as Process Engineer at Gerresheimer Regensburg GmbH.

Nicole Heimann, Training Manager (Head of Global Training Center) adds that Gerresheimer is concerned above all with employability: "We train our young people for our own needs and therefore attach great importance to good specialist support for our apprentices in theory and practice. Thomas Bayer convinced us not only by his examination results but above all by his commitment to his work and his ability to work in a team".

Also the general association of the plastic processing industry (GKV) honors the country widely best graduates with a promotion price since 2001. Gerresheimer trainees are regularly among the prize winners there; to date 16 proud winners have been able to take the highly endowed prize home with them. In addition to the trainees, the GKV also honors their companies and vocational schools for creating optimum training conditions.

For 2021/2022 apprenticeships are again available at the Gerresheimer training locations. Applications are particularly sought after for technical training courses such as process mechanic for plastics and rubber technology and glass technology, toolmaker for mold technology, industrial mechanic, electronics technician for operating technology or mechatronics technician.

More about training at Gerresheimer

About Gerresheimer

Gerresheimer is a leading global partner to the pharma and healthcare industry. With special products made of glass and plastic the company contributes to health and well-being. Gerresheimer is represented worldwide and with around 10,000 employees produces where its customers and markets are. With plants in Europe, America and Asia Gerresheimer generates sales of around €1.4 billion. The wide range of products includes pharmaceutical packaging and products for simple and safe drug administration: Insulin pens, inhalers, prefillable syringes, injection vials, ampoules, bottles and containers for liquid and solid medications with closure and safety systems as well as packaging for the cosmetics Industry.

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