Connect in Pharma

Wir sind auf der Connect in Pharma, besuchen Sie uns!

Genf, Schweiz, Palexpo
14. - 15. September 2022
Stand # A20

Unsere Highlights:

Wir sind vor Ort um unsere hochwertigen Produkte aus Glas und Kunststoff für die internationale Pharma- und Healthcare-Industrie zu präsentieren. Insbesondere werden wir unsere neuesten Innovationen vorstellen, z.B. das neue SensAir On-Body Drug Delivery Device und unseren neuen Autoinjektor.

Mit unseren Gx® Ready-To-Fill (RTF) Glasfläschchen aus Borosilikatglas Typ I, gewaschen, verpackt und sterilisiert für die Direktbefüllung, präsentieren wir Ihnen die perfekte Lösung.

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Besuchen Sie die Vorträge unserer Experten:

Patient-focused drug-delivery solutions for subcutaneous injection of large molecule biologics

14. September, 14:15 - 15:45 Uhr

A patient-focused approach is implemented to address subcutaneous administration of large volumes of large-molecule biologics. Furthermore, Patient Preference Information (PPI) is studied both from the regulatory aspect and from the results of two existing clinical studies. In order to address the patient and user needs, we need to focus on SC administration and current landscape of drug delivery solutions for large molecules biologics.

Dr. Reza Abedian, Senior Medical Affairs Manager, Gerresheimer

Reducing your time to market of Injectable drug delivery containment in collaborating early in clinical stage

15. September, 12:00-12:45 Uhr

Pharma & biotech companies focus on research & discovery of molecules, but the delivery system is often forgotten in the development process. In the early stages of clinical development (phase I), it can be beneficial to discuss different packaging options for the targeted patient populations taking into account the challenges associated with the drug molecules (concentration, dose, dry, liquid/liquid, etc…) with the associated manufacturing concerns.

Thus, defining injectable delivery needs and expectations, while simultaneously working with a capable partner, are more than recommended.

Wenzel Novak PhD, Senior Global Director Business Development MDS, Gerresheimer
Jean-Edouard Rabier, Project Management Director & Sales Development Gx Biological Solutions, Gerresheimer