- Gerresheimer AG

Our Gx® Elite vials are vials of the highest quality that exceed the market standard in every respect

Gx® Elite Vials

Benefits of the Gx® Elite Vials

Internationally standardized product

Full compliance to ISO standards to address pharma quality

Local-for-local supply

Secured supply chain by global availability with short lead times

Proven functionality

Seamless integration into all existing fill & finish equipment /proven compatibility

State-of-the-art material

Glass tubing and polymers like COP from all major suppliers available

Improved fill & finish efficiency

Superior product quality leads to less defects on fill & finish lines with improved performance and reduced TCO

Superior product quality

Tighter AQLs (reduced vial-to-vial and vial-to-metal contact) lead to no visible defects, scratches or contamination. No glass-to-glass contact for tube processing. Best dimensional consistency for all products.

Advanced system variety

Additional system features like surface treatment and elastomer components available

Optimized TCO

Improved performance on fill & finish lines leads to optimized TCO (lower running / lower overall costs for customers)

Highest compatibility for sensitive drugs

Extractables testing data, fulfils sophisticated pharmaceutical requirements

Compre-hensive data packages available

System performance and compatibility data available including data for pharmaceutical requirements.

Product Offerings

by performance level


Gx® Value

Gx® Advance

Gx® Elite


Not applicable

Not applicable

CpKs ≥1.67  for CCI features

Cosmetic appearance

<500 Micron

<300 Micron

<100 Micron  with tightest AQLs

Strength gain

No change

No change

Up to 4x






No coating

No coating

Optional Velocity®



 - Gerresheimer AG

Take Advantage of our wide Range of Capabilities

  • Production sites in Europe, Americas and Asia for risk mitigation
  • Expansion coefficients 33 and 51
  • Inner siliconization for optimum emptying
  • Ammonium sulfate treatment to reduce alkali ion emission
  • Optimized design for lyophilization processes
  • Fully validated processes and certified suppliers according to cGMP
  • Ph. Eur., USP, JP, FEUM compliance
  • DMF type III
 - Gerresheimer AG

High-Technology Gx® G3 Vial Inspection

  • Proprietary visual inspection systems ensure cosmetic and dimensional quality.
  • Visual inspection of all areas of the vial: finish/neck, shoulder, body, hyper-bottom
  • Combination of 5 high resolution matrix and line-scan cameras
  • Proprietary lighting system
  • Custom software capable of defect recognition and classification
  • Bright and dark field images acquired at the same time help to characterize defects
  • Precision handling system for repeatability

Matching Accessories

Kontaktieren Sie uns!


Europa & Asien
Fläschchen (Kunststoff)

Telefon: + 49 160 741 59 39
E-Mail: Wolfgang Dirk

Fläschchen (Kunststoff)

Telefon: +1 404 376 8157
E-Mail: Franck Langet


Europa & Asien
Fläschchen (Glas)

Telefon: +49 9342 9281-25
E-Mail: Lothar Haaf

Fläschchen (Glas)

Telefon: +1 678 951 3959
E-Mail: Steve Hourmezian