Our holistic strategy for a sustainable future
Sustainability is deeply rooted in our company mission
With our strategy process formula G we made a clear commitment: Sustainability is one of our top five strategic targets.
“We innovate and deliver for a better life every day” - today and for the generations to come.
Our products and the benefits they bring are the focus of our efforts. We contribute significantly to the health and well-being of society by developing and manufacturing products for the packaging of medicines, for easy and safe dosage and delivery of drugs. This aspiration is reflected in our development and production processes, in which quality, conservation of resources, easy handling and the highest possible safety of our products have the highest priority.
We embrace sustainability in all its facets. For us, long-term business success means creating social and ecological values for society in addition to economic ones.
Sustainability is an integrated aspect of our business model.
Our sustainability commitment goes far beyond reacting to raising expectations. We want to integrate sustainability in our business model
- in the way how we design processes,
- in the way how we rethink products and
in the DNA of our decision making.
This is how we take our responsibilities towards the planet and its people seriously and are a strong partner and solution provider for our customers, our employees, and our investors on a joint approach for a more sustainable future.
For us, the keys for reaching our sustainability ambitions and making an impact are:
Our Contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
With our commitment we are making a contribution to the “The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development”, adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015. At its heart are the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
We are making contributions to the SDGs “Good Health and Wellbeing” (Goal 3), “Decent Work and Economic Growth” (Goal 8), “Responsible Consumption and Production” (Goal 12) and “Climate Action” (Goal 13).