Gerresheimer Horsovsky Tyn
spol. s r.o.

Zahradní 282
34601 Horsovsky Tyn
Czech Republic
Phone: +420 373 726-111
IČ: 48360716
DIČ: CZ48360716


The Czech production site Horsovsky Tyn manufactures a wide range of drug delivery systems as well as diagnostic and medical products from inhalers, insulin pens and rapid drug tests to test cartridges. In addition to the production of innovative plastic systems, Horsovsky Tyn also assembles, refines, packages and ships them worldwide. Complex assembly and testing machines as well as printing systems for pad printing are available at the plant.


  • ISO 9001
  • ISO 13485
  • ISO 14001
  • ISO 45001
  • ISO 50001


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Contact us!

Medical Systems
Gerresheimer Horšovský Týn spol. s r.o.

Phone: +420 373 726-111
E-Mail: vaclava.vachalova