- Gerresheimer AG

Annual Report 2023


Excellence in everything we do 

At Gerresheimer, excellence is paramount in everything we do. In 2023, we pressed ahead with the topic of excellence and made significant progress in a wide variety of areas of the Company. 

Project Excellence Push

Project Excellence Push involved training project managers from all Gerresheimer production areas in continuous improvement in line with the Six Sigma approach. Six Sigma is a systematic methodology to improve processes using analytical and statistical methods. The training was based on the tried-and-tested Gerresheimer Management System. 

Each participant brought a specific project to the course that the group would then work through using the PDCA cycle (plan, do, check, act). This focused approach made it possible to achieve significant process. In addition, cross-divisional participation (ONE Gerresheimer) offered an excellent platform for participants to share ideas and experiences. 

We began revising our globally standardized processes for our Gerresheimer Management System (GMS), which is a compilation of mandatory best practice standards, in 2023. This process involves gradually reviewing and amending all core processes in line with the latest requirements. The new best practice standards will replace the old GMS 3.0. 

The global formula Operations (OPS) strategy process was also launched at the 2023 Gerresheimer Management Conference. The aim here is to align all production areas in such a way that they provide even better support to our growth strategy. We are also working on a cross-divisional basis to leverage additional synergy effects. Occupational safety, quality, delivery flexibility, and efficiency are the cornerstones of this process. We will continue to place customer satisfaction at the forefront of our minds by focusing on topics such as process stability, quality improvement processes, and Industry 4.0. 

In doing so, we utilize sustainable solutions, including smart factory technologies that draw on connectivity and the sharing of data as the basis for further automation and process control across the entire production workflow. 

Further strengthening customer satisfaction

We continued the rollout of our Customer Excellence project to optimize customer satisfaction in 2023. This project involves business units discussing and implementing approaches and strategies to sharpen the focus on the customer, allowing us to further enhance our customer focus across all divisions and continuously improve customer satisfaction. 

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