- Gerresheimer AG

Annual Report 2022


Solutions for a sustainable future

We view corporate social responsibility, innovation and teamwork as the keys to success. With this in mind, we are committed to a strong sustainability strategy with ambitious targets. In 2022, we consistently pursued these targets and systematically translated them into action. Once again, we paved the way for several issues and processes while achieving measurable results and improvements.


Score in CDP Climate
Change Report


Share of electricity from renewable sources


Reduction in global workplace accident rate compared to 2019

Corporate social responsibility

We have made a clear commitment to sustainability as one of our five strategic goals. The entire company is committed to our strong sustainability policy, with its ambitious targets, measurable KPIs and clear deadlines, which we published at the end of 2020.

At Gerresheimer, the clear alignment and incorporation of our sustainability targets into every aspect of the organization is the key to breathing life into our sustainability policy.

Our commitment and our success have been recognized and honored by external, independent bodies. We are very proud to have received the EcoVadis Gold medal for the first time this year, as it represents a milestone in the successful implementation of our sustainability strategy. We were also able to improve our Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) rating to “A-” in 2022 and have been nominated for the German Sustainability Award. We view all of these honors as clear signs that we are following the right path.

Read more about our sustainability targets

More information in our Non-Financial Report for 2022


In order to be sustainable, we need to actively accept responsibility for the environmental and social impact of our work. This means questioning the status quo and rethinking the way we do things. In this sense, we view sustainability and innovation as one and the same. We take a long, hard look at our internal processes, technologies and the products and solutions we develop to improve them on an ongoing basis with regard to a variety of factors, including sustainability. 

When it comes to innovation, our employees are the key drivers. We received numerous innovative ideas and case studies on the topic of saving energy as part of our global Energy Savings Campaign in 2022. The tremendous response to the campaign throughout the entire Gerresheimer Group further reflects the awareness, dedication and responsibility felt by our employees toward the topic of sustainability. We are very proud to share the same sustainable values around the globe.

Read more about the practical ways in which we are promoting sustainability through innovation:

Focus on sustainable glass production

The lighter way of glass packaging


The key to improved sustainability lies in collaborative partnerships with our customers. By pooling our skills and abilities, we can create new synergies to achieve innovative and integrated solutions. We also support the sustainability efforts of our customers by providing data and ensuring transparency along the value chain. 
Guided by our eco design principles, we apply this approach throughout systematic and structured processes. As a solution provider and sounding board, we are therefore an important driver of sustainable growth and innovative technologies for our customers.

Our Gerresheimer eco design principles

Sustainable packaging design for cosmetics

Further stories

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Contact: Investor Relations